
Coppe Cantrell ”My passion for music started more than 25 years ago”

Can you share your musical journey with us, from when you first discovered your passion for music to where you are today as an independent musician?

I can share my musical journey with you, from the time that I discovered my passion for music to where I am today as an independent artist?  My passion for music started more than 25 years ago, I played a role mostly behind the scenes, running my record company that I co-founded with my late husband Johnny “J”, a road manager, and a backup dancer.  For many that don’t know who he was, he produced over 100 songs, for 2Pac.  With that said, it was his work with 2Pac, and mine that started me in the industry.  Many people don’t know that it is my voice on the biggest diss record of all time “Hit Em Up”, I sang on the song, but what singing I did was sampled in on the song.  This was not a crowning achievement, this led to the East Coast Westcoast war, and two rappers ended up dead. Though my vocals have been mocked by millions of 2Pac fans, and others.  I never wanted credit for the song, and when I was given the task to do the credits for the song, I never put my name on it. I was thrust into doing that song, only because at the be helm of Johnny & 2Pac, I was asked to do it, not because I was a singer, but the only female in the studio at the time.

So, coming from the secular world of music, into becoming an independent Christian recording artist, I have come a long way.  Being that it was the calling on my life from God almighty, that called me to sing to glorify him out of a sound sleep, on July 1, 2009. I would not be singing today, you see, I was tone deaf, I could not sing on key, but God fixed that, and gave me a voice, and write gospel songs.

What motivates you to create music, and how do you stay inspired to continue making new and unique music?

It was not easy coming from the secular world of music into the gospel community, a virtual unknown, and I was treated as such, not many doors opened for me, but the small ones that did were meaningful.  There have been many gatekeepers along the way, during the release of my first two projects, I didn’t get much airplay on my records.  Now, some 12 years later, and I have had more than a few doors open to me at radio, I have spawned 3 number one records for my songs “Dance in The Dark”, “Jesus Rocks”, “Pick the Gate” & and top 10 hit with my song “War Cry”.  I will be releasing my album and single “The Breastplate of Righteousness in October, so there are many break throughs coming.

The things that motivate me to create music, and how I stay inspired to continue making new and unique music, is my profound relationship with God almighty.  God is the one who called me to sing to glorify him first and foremost, but also to spread his gospel message to all the world, believer we are commanded to do so, God called me specifically to this job, I dare be disobedient, there are consequences for disobedience.  In saying that, it was a time, I was disobedient, because I did not sound like others, and the closed doors, and distractions of others I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do.  With my calling, I had to remember God called me flaws and all, not to sound like anyone else, he made me uniquely and wonderfully made, and to do what he called me to do, for Coppe Cantrell to sing.  Knowing that, I am doing the work for God, and to help, heal, and pray that others accept Jesus Christ through God almighty, is ample ammunition to inspire me to keep writing the music that God called me to write, and sing.

Coppe Cantrell

As an independent musician, you wear many hats – from composing to marketing. How do you balance these different aspects of your career, and what challenges do you face in the process?

Yes, as an independent musician, I must wear many hats, from composing to marketing, how I am able to balance these different aspects of my career, and the challenges that I face, is simple you must be able to multitask.  The fact that I am a veteran in this music industry, though a lot of things have changed to the digital world of doing business, its key to be able to utilize, this new media, new components to my advantage, sometimes, you may have to hire someone as a work-for-hire, to do certain task that you nor members of your team can accomplish, and delegating those task are also key to success and getting them done sometimes I feel like I’m Jamaican, it’s a funny saying “when you have several jobs to do at one time”, its tough at times, you feel like there’s not enough time in a day to do everything you need to do.  Especially when you have to handle business, and then try to write a song, it’s a bit harder to focus on those aspects, because of the outside distractions, and when it comes to writing Christian songs, you have to make sure the Holy Spirit anointing is in the music, so I need to be able to write without those distractions, that’s why I set aside a time for songwriting, and other musical task, when I don’t have to deal with marketing, promotions, and other administrative roles that I have to accomplish.

Could you tell us about your creative process? How do you come up with new ideas for songs, and how do you go about turning those ideas into finished tracks?

I will tell you about My creative process, and how I come up with new ideas for songs, and how I turn those ideas into finished tracks!  I usually start my songs off with a title or a hook, the hook for me is the easiest part of the song, something catchy that you want the listener to hear, and repeat, something I’d want to hear myself over and over.  I think since the hook and the track is what draws the listener in creating a hook and matching it to a track, and or picking a track and writing the hook to the songs comes most natural for me.  The story comes after that, which takes a longer process, because you want to relate the story line to what your hook and title is talking about.  It goes back to those days in high school we had to do 5 paragraph essays, and your first paragraph, relates to the entire story moving forward in the three paragraphs to come with a conclusion. All of this while trying to rhyme, it is a fun task to do, and thinking of things in the world that others can be helped makes for good songwriting as well.

Independent musicians often face financial challenges. How do you manage your finances to sustain your music career while also covering your personal expenses?

As an independent musician I face financial challenges, I can manage my finances to sustain my music career, while covering my personal expenses, because it is important to set budgets for everything that we do.  Being that I am also the owner of my own record company KLOCK WORK Entertainment, it can come with financial challenges, if I were to go over budget, at times I have went over budget, personally, ad through business, I have had setbacks and financial challenges like everyone else.  On top of that, I’m a giver, I’m always trying to help others personally, which could affect my finances.  Sometimes when we spend beyond our means I must rely on credit cards to suffice, until the next payment comes in, but it’s important to budget all aspects of our lives, personally, and in business, no matter where the source of funding comes from.

Can you share a particularly memorable or challenging experience from your journey as a musician that has had a significant impact on your career and personal growth?

Some challenging experiences from my journey as a musician that has had a significant impact on my career and personal growth.  I would have to say that some of the most challenging things that I’ve had to experience as a musician, is acceptance, and the doors closed.  Once I realized that every door would not be opened to me, I had to think why?  Was I not being accepted was it because my music was whack or was it the lack of you coming with something new and different that it would take some time for others to catch on. I think being told that I was not good enough, and that I sounded nothing like what was being produced and heard in the market today.  This had a profound turn around for me, first what went from tears of not being accepted to triumph and cheers for myself, as I asked almighty God to order my steps and give me direction, sense he’s the one who called me to do what I do.  When God gave me the revelation, that he did not call me to be like no one else but myself, is when I realized I had a unique gift given to me.  I asked him to open doors that no man can close, and with knowing that, I kicked everything into gear, and started going outside the norm, outside the box of those very people who were telling me know.  I went to the Indie Bible, I got information from there on how to get airplay, it was there where I found the door opener for my music to be heard worldwide on the radio station through Musik and Film promotions, I had a new lease on my music ministry that has now spawned 3 number 1 singles, my songs “Dance In The Dark”, “Jesus Rocks” and “Pick the Gate”.  After achieving these goals and going to those past resources, and showing them not in a boasting way, but to ask why, they could not tell me anything, but this was there opinion, something everyone else has.  Doorkeepers may come as one or as many, but I realized, there are only some many spots on everyone’s list, and once those spots are consumed by the major labels, they don’t want your sound taking over the airwaves that they seem to rule.  All power belongs to almighty God, and realizing wherever, he wants my music to be preached it will be done all in his will not mine.

With the rise of digital platforms, the music industry has changed significantly. How do you navigate the digital landscape, including streaming services and social media, to promote your music and connect with your audience?

The rise of digital platforms has changed the music industry significally, I have been able to navigate the digital landscape, with the streaming services and social media, to promote my music and connect with my audience. I tell you at first this was a task, I thought was made up for high school students, it brought me back to high school.  In the beginning, I was doing things the old school way, printing up posters, flyers, CD’s, and doing radio promos.  I tell you this was costly.  After realizing the very digital imprint that I had shunned, would help me to reach more people at one time.  If you think about the task of handing out 5,000 flyers which I had a promo team to do before, is a big one, you must put those physical flyers in the hands of people.  Utilizing these digital platforms allows you to reach the masses across many continents.  Social Media allows my fans direct access to me, and it allows me direct access to my fans, which I call souls, who need to be saved if they aren’t.  I have been able to navigate these medias, by various online marketing companies, and utilizing these platforms myself.  It takes a lot to work these platforms it’s not an overnight thing.  Content they consume, and they want lots of it.  This is why I have provided at least two videos for each of my songs to give the audience content on these platforms.

Collaboration is a key part of the music industry. Have you worked with other musicians or producers, and how have these collaborations influenced your sound and career?

Collaboration is a key part of the music industry, I have worked with other musicians, producers and artist some of which has influenced my sound and career.  I have had the opportunity to have the tracks that my late husband Johnny “J” left behind, his unique sound blended with my unique sound has not only created something new, but also timeless.  I have been blessed with enough music, that he has left behind for, that I have written at least six albums alone, from his production.  I also have been able to work with other producers and artist, but it is the sound of Johnny “J” that has been key to my sound.  He was never one to copy others unique, and me as the artist Coppe (pronounced copy) I am not trying to copy anyone’s sound either.  I think collaborations are great, but if they don’t come with creating something unique, for the artist, then why pursue them.  Most times people are trying to hear the art of the person who is on the marque.  So let the marque artist be herd.

Your music likely reflects your unique style and perspective. Could you describe your musical identity and what makes your sound stand out in a crowded industry?

My music does reflect my unique style and perspective, I can describe my musical identity and what makes my sound stand out in a crowded industry.  My musical identity is being a woman of valor, to sing/preach the non-compromising word of God.  I am commanded to preach the gospel to all the world.  I believe I stand out from the crowd the very reason; I have been shunned by radio, and other online promoters, I do not try to sound like what was already out there.  Why would you need w0, 15, 20, 30 of what you already have, people get caught up in trends, I don’t do that.  I don’t listen to the radio to copy others, when I am writing, its after I have read the bible, I allow the Holy Spirit anointing lead me where it wants me to go, opposed to allowing listening to other songs allowing me to go where they have gone.

What role does live performance play in your music career, and how do you approach planning and executing your live shows, especially considering recent challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic?

The role live performances play in my music career, and how I approach planning executing my live shows, in the light of the recent challenges like COVID-19 pandemic, was not an issue at hand for.  During the pandemic, I was recovering from exposure to some chemicals, that affected me neuralgically with migraines every day, breathing problems, and various other health issues, that I have been able to be healed from by the power of almighty God, and those doctors, physical therapist, and acupuncturist whom I have been healed by.  With that being said, the pandemic was one that warned of what’s to come, the book of Revelations reveals there will be more that will kill billions of people unfortunately.  I think when it comes to performances, more people will be doing private venues, and recording them as opposed to traveling all over the world for people to see me or others.  This is what’s goanna must happen in this digital age, and prices for concerts are so expensive most people won’t be able to attend, it won’t be attainable, so we must give something to the masses that will be attainable through television and social media, like they had to during the pandemic.

Many fans are interested in the stories behind the songs. Could you share the backstory or inspiration behind one of your recent tracks that holds special meaning to you?

The back story to one of my recent releases that holds dear to me is my song “Jesus Rocks”, I came up with this song, because of I’m in so much awe of Jesus and his sacrifice, on a lighter note, I was thinking about the clothes that he was rocking while he was strolling through the cities.  So, I. came up with the hook, “You know how Jesus Rocks he just wears sandals no socks, you know how Jesus strolls disciples through the city he strolls”.  From thinking about the miracles that God performed, starting with, he turned water into wine at the party had a festive time, in my first verse, his first miracles was at a party, at thebe helm of his mother he did this miracle.  This song gives you a glimpse into the miracles that Jesus performed, told you the story how Satan tried to tempt him on the mountain top, and pimp him, Jesus wasn’t having any of it no matter what the offer was.  He sacrificed his life for us, to give us life every lasting, which brings joy to me.

Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations as an independent musician? Are there any upcoming projects or exciting developments in your career that you’d like to share with your fans and the audience?

— As I look. Ahead at the future, my goals and aspirations as an independent musician, the upcoming projects and exciting developments, I am finally, releasing my third album called “The Breastplate of Righteousness”, and the single of the same name on Oct 13th, I will do a presale for the album, for almost nothing.  I do this to win souls for God, I will be giving all the proceeds from the presale and the sale of my album to my non-profit HeavenlyHIdeout.com, this will help widows, and battered women.  I don’t do this for the money, I do this because this is God’s calling on my life to spread the gospel to all the world.  I am working on videos for all my songs on every album, to give the visuals that is needed for the songs.  Soon, I will be working on a documentary, a film, and a book regarding my life, and the life of my late husband.  There is a lot in store in the future for everything Coppe Cantrell, go check out my website, I will be coming with a newsletter to keep in contact with me.