
Jen Ambrose Releases New Single “Plenty of Nothin’ To Do”

A Bluesy Anthem of Resilience & Joy Amid Heartbreak

Jen Ambrose, the acclaimed singer-songwriter, is back with her much-anticipated second single, “Plenty of Nothin’ To Do,” off her homonym album. The track, which exudes feel-good vibes and raw emotion, is a testament to the power of turning life’s lemons into lemonade, even in the face of heartbreak and loss. With tongue-in-cheek lyrics, smooth vocals, and a dynamic band, “Plenty of Nothin’ To Do” is sure to become a quintessential blues tune.

Co-written by Jen Ambrose and producer Ken Orsow during the challenging days of social distancing amid the Covid pandemic in Oregon, “Plenty of Nothin’ To Do” captures the spirit of making the best of difficult situations and finding the silver lining in life’s trials. Despite the hurdles posed by remote collaboration, the magic of music brought together an incredible lineup for the single.

Recorded and engineered in Oregon, the song benefited from the exceptional wizardry of Richard Bredice, who is also the lead guitarist on the track. Complemented by the phenomenal talents of Frank Cotinila on drums, Alan Deremo on bass, Gordon Greenley on saxophone, and Dave Witham on keys, the song’s instrumental arrangement is nothing short of spectacular.

Jen Ambrose’s vocals effortlessly convey the range of emotions explored in “Plenty of Nothin’ To Do,” from the ache of heartache to the exuberance of indulgence. As the lyrics playfully tell the story of overcoming a nasty heartbreak, listeners will be irresistibly drawn to the infectious beat and catchy melody, making it impossible not to tap their feet or sing along.