Broadside Shares Devastating New Single ‘Bleu’

Alternative pop rock band Broadside has today shared “Bleu”, the latest single from their forthcoming album Hotel Bleu. A poignant song about facing the loss of the one you love most, as your life together is just getting started, “Bleu” starts out quietly; frontman Oliver Baxxter’s gentle vocals the focal point against gentle acoustic guitars before the song swells in an emotional crescendo. Hotel Bleu is set to be released on November 10th via SharpTone Records.

“‘Bleu’ is a song I wrote about my fiancé,” shares Baxxter. “A phone call changed our lives as the doctor on the other line said a prayer after he gave us the news that the tumor in her chest was breast cancer. We cried on the living room floor for two days after that until; eventually, we found the strength to call our family and friends. I couldn’t accept that someone who I’d lived and breathed with every day was about to endure one of the most demanding challenges of her life. ‘Bleu’ is a love letter to anyone who has ever experienced the sudden realization of such an unforgiving and cruel disease.”

Baxxter has also chosen to share a number of research organizations and support groups for those who have been affected by breast cancer, in hopes that they can find the help and comfort they need.

Broadside will be on tour this fall with This Wild Life, Worry Club, and Not My Weekend. Tour Story kicks off tonight, November 1st, with stops in Los Angeles, Portland, Chicago, Pittsburgh, New York, Orlando, and more.