
Spin ” Music is like a free therapist”

Can you share your musical journey with us, from when you first discovered your passion for music to where you are today as an independent musician?

We all had upbringings that were surrounded by music, joined bands in high school, and met through connections stemming from those bands.  We performed in a cover band, playing the east coast circuit four to five nights a week for many years - but were writing our own songs all the time.  Eventually we decided to focus our career, stopped doing the cover shows, and start releasing original music.  These releases caught the attention of the industry and we were in and out of a few record deals - but ultimately decided starting our own label in the changing landscape of the industry was the right way to move forward for us.  We go back and forth between praising and questioning that decision daily.

What motivates you to create music, and how do you stay inspired to continue making new and unique music?

Music is like a free therapist. It helps us control our emotions, especially when we’re angry or sad, but happy as well. We listen to anything and everything for inspiration. We have pretty diverse interests and try to incorporate those different styles into our writing.

As an independent musician, you wear many hats – from composing to marketing. How do you balance these different aspects of your career, and what challenges do you face in the process?

We do look good in all those hats, right? Thanks for noticing. The industry seems to change pretty much on a daily basis now. Instead of just focusing on making music, you have to be a creator, a filmmaker, a marketer, an SEO expert. It’s certainly challenging trying to chase the ever changing social media algorithms to get our music to the people who might appreciate it. But we keep plugging.

Could you tell us about your creative process? How do you come up with new ideas for songs, and how do you go about turning those ideas into finished tracks?

For me, (Hank) I hear music, either from my earbuds or just in my head, at all times. I usually sing ideas into my phone on the train or in the park or while driving. I usually start with a melody and let the lyrics come later. I play through the ideas on the piano or guitar until it develops into something I think may be good enough to show the other guys. We head into the studio, grab a bottle and get to work. I think the other guys have a pretty similar process.

Independent musicians often face financial challenges. How do you manage your finances to sustain your music career while also covering your personal expenses?

Yeah, despite having some success at this, it can still be tough. We all have other side hustles, like Lou for example. He’s Taylor Swift’s personal hair stylist.

With the rise of digital platforms, the music industry has changed significantly. How do you navigate the digital landscape, including streaming services and social media, to promote your music and connect with your audience?

See answer number 3 above.

Your music likely reflects your unique style and perspective. Could you describe your musical identity and what makes your sound stand out in a crowded industry?

Our new releases have a more retro 60s/70s pop/rock sound than our previous songs. We’re trying to capture some of that nostalgia while putting a modern SPiN on it (see what we did there)? I feel like it’s an interesting time in music because of TikTok and the like – people are exposed to music from all decades and styles all at once, and they like whatever they like. The music that resonates doesn’t have to be of a certain genre or time period anymore for people to get into it.

Many fans are interested in the stories behind the songs. Could you share the backstory or inspiration behind one of your recent tracks that holds special meaning to you?

All three of us recently had the unfortunate experience of losing a parent. We are currently working on music inspired by the shared feeling of loss. Thanks alot for bring that up!

Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations as an independent musician? Are there any upcoming projects or exciting developments in your career that you’d like to share with your fans and the audience?

We’ve had some recent success getting our music videos into film festivals and winning some awards. We just wrapped on filming our next one which will release around Halloween and have a vibe that matches that timeframe. We’re constantly creating and hope to continue reaching new people who might dig what we’re doing!