Interview: Steve Hale

Can you share your musical journey with us, from when you first discovered your passion for music to where you are today as an independent musician?

From a single digit age I was inspired by my magical and musical Nana (grandmother). In her day she was part of the Vaudeville acts in New York City, singing and dancing with her sister in a group they called The Gorgeous George sisters, she was part of one of the first Miss American Pageants and was constantly courted by Ziegfeld to join his Ziegfeld Follies. My sister and I collected 45’s and we were nuts for the Jackson 5, Brothers Johnson, Earth, Wind & Fire, and then she went Bee Gees and Barry Manilow and I went Led Zeppelin, Cheap Trick, Rush and Kansas. I started playing my sisters abandoned guitar when I was 13, it had super old strings that I kept breaking, so I ended up writing my first song on three strings and it was called “Lifeline”. Turns out that would end up being a very prophetic title. There is so much I’ve tilled from life to create music, from my personal experience to observations and wild concepts, dreams and pure flights of fancy.

What motivates you to create music, and how do you stay inspired to continue making new and unique music?

Breathing, living, loving, reflecting is what motivates me to write and continually stay inspired. There is so much to write about and I will hopefully get at least some of it out into the world in this lifetime.

As an independent musician, you wear many hats – from composing to marketing. How do you balance these different aspects of your career, and what challenges do you face in the process?

I dedicate certain days to being the graphic artist, the booking agent, the promotions department, the writing, arranging and producing of songs, prepping for live performance, making sure my gear is in order and up to date, and eating well and getting good sleep. My calendar helps to run my world and let me know all the things I need to do.

Could you tell us about your creative process? How do you come up with new ideas for songs, and how do you go about turning those ideas into finished tracks?

I don’t have a set way to write a song. Sometimes I write a full set of lyrics and then write music, sometimes I come up with a concept or a title, sometimes it’s a musical riff, and sometimes I just open up the computer, and like a painter, just start creating with no idea of purpose other than to make something happen.

Independent musicians often face financial challenges. How do you manage your finances to sustain your music career while also covering your personal expenses?

I have the opportunity to perform for a multitude of different audiences and fans always seem to comment on how much they love my voice and my songs. This fosters such great energy, knowing that I’m connecting with my listeners. I’m also very proud of the fact that from live playing and session work I’m able to sustain myself and even flourish.

Can you share a particularly memorable or challenging experience from your journey as a musician that has had a significant impact on your career and personal growth?

I spent time working in LA with various different projects and meeting some very interesting people. I remember at one point during rehearsals with a project headed by Steve Farris (former guitar player of Mr Mister), I took a moment and went to the break room, the members of The Knack were there and we watched Desert Storm unfold on the TV, that was pretty surreal. I also learned some hard lessons about people in the music business and how it’s not really about the music, it’s about the business. Mel Brooks has this quote: “It used to be SHOW business, now it’s show BUSINESS!” That being said I have had the opportunity to meet and work with many interesting and inspiring people.

With the rise of digital platforms, the music industry has changed significantly. How do you navigate the digital landscape, including streaming services and social media, to promote your music and connect with your audience?

If you want to find out what I’m up to, visit my website or find me on the streaming site of your choice!

Collaboration is a key part of the music industry. Have you worked with other musicians or producers, and how have these collaborations influenced your sound and career?

I have worked with producers, engineers, a plethora of musicians and done some co-writing as well as being hired as a singer for studio sessions. When ever I’ve interacted with another creative entity I have always learned something whether it be music inspired or life lessons.

Your music likely reflects your unique style and perspective. Could you describe your musical identity and what makes your sound stand out in a crowded industry?

Singer/songwriter with a soul edge. I have my own spin on all the things that vibrate around me.

What role does live performance play in your music career, and how do you approach planning and executing your live shows, especially in light of recent challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic?

For the most part live performing has completely recovered from the pandemic, in fact it’s really flourishing now. I play a lot of gigs, around 175 a year and I love it!

Many fans are interested in the stories behind the songs. Could you share the backstory or inspiration behind one of your recent tracks that holds special meaning to you?

There’s a song we’ve recorded and will release later this year called “Without Any Words”, which captures the idea that actions can have more impact than words, especially when you’re entwined with someone who speaks english as a second language. I had a girlfriend who was Armenian, so English was her second language, and often times she would get colloquialism slightly incorrect, in fact I think most times she’d improve on them. We had very energetic Basenji dog named Congo and she was trying to say the he was “beside himself with excitement” and she said he’s “beyond himself with excitement”, which I thought was actually more accurate since he wanted to gallop into the beyond most of the time.

Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations as an independent musician? Are there any upcoming projects or exciting developments in your career that you’d like to share with your fans and the audience?

I would like to inspire more people to be artists of every ilk. Artists have the best ideas for creating a brave new world. As individuals and a collective, we can change the landscape of music and make it more precious to the artist and listener.