Talia Daniels: ”Music is a daily resource for me”

Can you share your musical journey with us, from when you first discovered your passion for music to where you are today as an independent musician?

Oddly enough my first memories of music are being on the playground in a circle of little girls singing “We’re Going to Kentucky”. It was when I first discovered having a voice and a love for rhythm. From there I would jump at every opportunity to sing in church with my Dad. Singing in the choir led to leading the choir in my teens, singing in school choruses and plays and was the opening for wanting to write music. In my early adulthood I lived in Brooklyn, NY and had access to a lot of musicians and studios and would find myself creating into the late hours of the night. Even with all that influence, I had not yet found the right sound or message. In those years, I was not singing about my love for The Lord. I was trying to fit into a popular mode for the masses. I sang in Jazz Club and New York night clubs like The Blue Note, just to satisfy the love of singing and performing. When I moved to South Carolina and got deeply involved in leading worship, my creativity and desire to sing was rekindled and has led me to where I am today. To date I have released seven songs and am actively writing and am in pre-production of 10 more songs.

What motivates you to create music, and how do you stay inspired to continue making new and unique music?

Music is a daily resource for me. I wake up with it and spend most of my day listening to all kinds of different music while I do everything else. It evokes emotion for me. Music is also my comfort zone for evangelizing. I am more comfortable with singing to you about Jesus then any other form of sharing the gospel. It is also the perfect tool for setting the tone for receiving and understanding The Word. There is always a story to tell about the goodness of God, which leads to fresh writing. I am also a part of a group of wonderful co-writers. Writing with them is often a wonderful time of fellowship and sometimes Bible study.

As an independent musician, you wear many hats – from composing to marketing. How do you balance these different aspects of your career, and what challenges do you face in the process?

I find marketing and promoting to be the hardest part of being an Indie Artist. Lately I have been blessed with a wonderful Publicist/PR Exec/Instructor in Olivia Long. She really keeps me on point task wise. I am also enlisting the help of my adult children with promoting my music. They keep me abreast of what works these days and what doesn’t.

Could you tell us about your creative process? How do you come up with new ideas for songs, and how do you go about turning those ideas into finished tracks?

On most of the songs that I have written, it will start with a thought that repeats in my head. I have even woken up with lyrics just playing over and over in my mind. I will then record what comes to me into my phone and give it a temporary name. Very often, entire verses will hit at one time, and I will have to run to write them down. For songs that I collaborate on, my co-writers and I will set up a Zoom, talk for a good while about our families and things going on in our lives and then start to explore a song idea. The group I work with is patient and thoughtful and we are comfortable with sharing what we think works and could use some work.

Independent musicians often face financial challenges. How do you manage your finances to sustain your music career while also covering your personal expenses?

God has truly blessed me with two wonderful jobs that have sustained my writing and recording career. I have been in management for local company for 20 years now and on staff at FBC Gaffney as The Contemporary Worship Leader for a good portion of that time also. In agreement with my husband we have been able to direct funds from our income towards production costs. I have also had close friends and loved ones bless me along this journey with funds to keep on creating.

Can you share a particularly memorable or challenging experience from your journey as a musician that has had a significant impact on your career and personal growth?

There have been times that I have not been able to sing in the past because of a condition called VCD – Vocal Cord Disfunction. With God’s grace though, He has always seen me through and healed me!

With the rise of digital platforms, the music industry has changed significantly. How do you navigate the digital landscape, including streaming services and social media, to promote your music and connect with your audience?

The digital way of music distribution has surely changed the landscape of music making! These days singles are the focus, where in the past the goal used to be to put out entire albums at a time. To do that you really had to be signed with a production company. I believe today’s digital age has made sharing Indie Music more attainable. Each song really gets its own time and attention. There are some great social media promotors out there that are willing to help you get heard. I am grateful to have connections with folks who are familiar with the industry as I try to build my brand.

Collaboration is a key part of the music industry. Have you worked with other musicians or producers, and how have these collaborations influenced your sound and career?

I have had the awesome experience of writing with my “Dream Team” which is made up of Alison and Pat McHugh and Chris Van Duyn. They are my writing inspiration. I have also been blessed to record at wonderful studios like Gat3 in Charlotte, NC and Yackland Studios in Nashville,TN with Dove Award winning producer Stephen Lieweke. I am currently working on a Christmas EP with David E. Beats which he is producing in his Toulouse, France studio.

Your music likely reflects your unique style and perspective. Could you describe your musical identity and what makes your sound stand out in a crowded industry?

That’s a great question. I believe my music is a cross between Contemporary Gospel and CCM. I love taking the awesome and unique sounds of both worlds and melding them together.

What role does live performance play in your music career, and how do you approach planning and executing your live shows, especially in light of recent challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic?

I really enjoy live performances and have had many opportunities to lead worship and share my music over the last year. It is wonderful to see people return to enjoying live performances since Covid. I love the opportunity to put together bands to meet the unique requirements of each show. I have a few large conferences that I am looking forward to worshiping at this year.

Many fans are interested in the stories behind the songs. Could you share the backstory or inspiration behind one of your recent tracks that holds special meaning to you?

I think “In The Meantime”’ would qualify as an important back story. There were many years when I wanted to be creating and singing full time. I was, however, raising a family and just dealing with everyday life. There were times when I would get discouraged because I felt like I knew the call that God had on my life, but I was just not able to get to it! I wrote “In The Meantime” as not only an inspiration to others but also as an instruction to myself on how to wait well. In the meantime…pray, sing, praise…

Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations as an independent musician? Are there any upcoming projects or exciting developments in your career that you’d like to share with your fans and the audience?

My desire is to keep making music that inspires and brings joy to each listener. If even one person turns to Jesus because of a song I have written that is more than enough for me.

Please be watching out for several original Christmas songs, and three more story telling songs in the near future, called “At Work in the Waiting”, “Oh Behold” and “I Know The King”.

You can find me at www.taliadanielsofficial.com; on Spotify at and anywhere else you steam music as TaliaDanielsOfficial. Thank you so much for reading!!!